Happy New Year!

I’ve been spending the last couple of weeks at home in the Pacific Northwest. It’s the first time my new bride and I have spent the holidays together as a married couple. We’ve had a great time, but we’re also ready for the hectic and stressful holiday season to be over. More about that in the coming weeks. For now, I just wanted to share the Christmas gift my lovely wife got me — an awesome “Cheers” puzzle. 


The gang of “Cheers” wishing you a ‘Happy 2013!’ from 1983.  Photo by coreanscribe.

It was only 500 pieces, but it was harder than it looked. I mainly worked on Diane and Coach. My wife basically did the rest. She said the toughest part was completing the border.

Strange thing about a puzzle: it’s like an incredibly powerful magnet that pulls you in if you’re anywhere near it, and it doesn’t let you go. Especially this one. There were a couple nights earlier this week we had planned to go out and maybe catch a movie, but it never happened. Why? Because of Coach, Sam, Diane, Cliff, Carla and Norm. One of us would walk by these poor, incomplete TV characters and we felt compelled to stop (because we all knew their names) and help complete them, and that would be the end of the night. One piece led to another, and before we knew it, we had ended up working on the puzzle for hours. We finally finished it last night.


The friendly box made it look easy. It wasn’t.  Photo by coreanscribe.

I was so proud of finishing it, I immediately showed it off to my dad. He wasn’t so impressed. He just looked at it, shrugged, and walked away mumbling “What the heck is ‘Cheers’?”


My most major accomplishment of 2013.  Photo by coreanscribe.

My dad may not have been impressed, but I think it was a great way to start off the new year. If I don’t do anything else for the rest of 2013, I can always say I at least accomplished something with my wife. Cheers!



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