There are some tidbits to report so I’ll keep things brief. 

Help. This thing’s going to kill me.  Photo by coreanscribe.

I started the fitness workout program P90X about a week ago to get my poor pudgy self into shape. What have I done?!? My arms and legs feel like soggy noodles and the rest of my flabby body — the parts I can feel anyway — is like mush.

I was so sore the first couple of days I could barely walk. Ask my wife. After she stops laughing she’ll tell you how pathetic I looked.

I’m obviously really out of shape — I have the winning body of a writer — so I need to work out. Fortunately, I like the program so I’ll keep at it and see where it takes me.

I also ran about six miles over the weekend to prepare myself for the 10K Lizzy and I signed up to run in early December at Universal Studios. My goal is to attempt a six mile run every weekend until the 10k event. That should get me into shape… or kill me.

I figured I better go catch some movies while I could still walk on my own, and before I was murdered by my P90X workouts, so I went and saw “Flight” and “Lincoln.”

Denzel Washington gives an outstanding performance as a troubled alcoholic airline pilot, but the story, directed by Robert Zemeckis, felt more like a really expensive Lifetime television movie of the week than a theatrical release. There’s nothing really wrong with that but it wasn’t what I was expecting.

Days after watching it, I still feel really mixed about “Lincoln.” I was looking forward to this one. I wrote about it in a previous entry. Maybe I had too high of expectations for it, but I came away liking it but not loving it.

Spielberg’s movie really is a play that’s disguised as cinema. Daniel Day-Lewis is amazing as the president who’s seeking enough votes in the House to abolish slavery and his performance is another reason why I still consider him my favorite actor. It’s handsomely directed and feels important, but it’s also stiff and I couldn’t connect with it emotionally. The funny thing is I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing it again. See how mixed I feel about it?

Religion is hilarious.  Photo by coreanscribe.

Speaking of plays, Lizzy and I saw “The Book of Mormon” at the Pantages in Hollywood a couple weeks ago. I’m not a big “South Park” fan but I do enjoy it when I come across it from time to time on TV. Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s takes on Mormonism and religion is smart and hilarious. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. After we saw it, we couldn’t stop laughing at what we thought was the uproarious line of the night : “But what about NicoDerm CQ?”



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